検索キーワード「plus size men」に一致する投稿を日付順に表示しています。 関連性の高い順 すべての投稿を表示
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She has consistently cast models of all sizes, races and gender identities and her Plus model Steven Green (aka Steven G) broke the Internet after starring in Rihanna's allinclusive Savage x Fenty fashion showNow, he's talking about his newfound fame (And how Rih and 'em slif in his DM's) More inside One thing Rihanna wanted to display in her new Savage x Fenty lingerie fashion show was inclusivity Fans are praising Rihanna for showcasing her latest Savage X Fenty lingerie collection with diverse male models in the show and on the website On Friday, after the singer's Savage X Fenty Vol

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